Mar 22, 2024 | Access to Capital, All, Amelia County VA, Blog, Brunswick VA, Buckingham VA, Charlotte County VA, Cumberland County VA, Danville VA, Events, Farmville VA, Halifax VA, Henry County VA, Lunenburg VA, Martinsville VA, Mecklenburg VA, Minority Business Resources, News, Nottoway County VA, Patrick County VA, Pittsylvania County VA, Prince Edward VA
Registration is OPEN for the Southern Virginia Regional Procurement Fair! A strong understanding of the procurement process is crucial for businesses of all sizes and services! The Southern Virginia Regional Procurement Fair is designed to educate our valued...
Mar 5, 2024 | All, Amelia County VA, Blog, Brunswick VA, Buckingham VA, Charlotte County VA, Cumberland County VA, Danville VA, Farmville VA, Halifax VA, Henry County VA, Lunenburg VA, Martinsville VA, Mecklenburg VA, News, Nottoway County VA, Patrick County VA, Pittsylvania County VA, Prince Edward VA
These entrepreneurs are digging in, learning, and hustling to start or grow their businesses in Southern Virginia! We’re excited to introduce you to them! Introducing the RISE Collaborative Winter 2024 CO.STARTERS Business Bootcamp cohort! Congratulations to the...
Mar 29, 2023 | Access to Capital, Amelia County VA, Blog, Brunswick VA, Farmville VA, Halifax VA, Martinsville VA, News, Nottoway County VA, Patrick County VA, Prince Edward VA
Entrepreneurs gather from around Southern Virginia to accelerate their businesses A group of 13 businesses represented by 16 entrepreneurs took the stage at the first annual RISE Business Pitch Competition. Each competitor presented their business startup or business...
Feb 21, 2023 | All, Amelia County VA, Blog, Brunswick VA, Buckingham VA, Cumberland County VA, Danville VA, Farmville VA, Halifax VA, Henry County VA, Martinsville VA, Mecklenburg VA, News, Nottoway County VA, Patrick County VA, Pittsylvania County VA, Prince Edward VA
These entrepreneurs are digging in, learning, and hustling to start or grow their businesses in Southern Virginia! We’re excited to introduce you to them! Introducing the RISE Collaborative Winter 2023 CO.STARTERS Business Bootcamp cohort! We are SO proud of...
Dec 6, 2022 | Blog, Brunswick VA, Entrepreneur Spotlight, Lawrenceville VA
Businesses in Brunswick County are gaining momentum. Over the past several years, partnerships with RISE Collaborative, the SOVA Innovation Hub and the Longwood Small Business Development Center (SBDC) have spurred entrepreneurship and development in a county that had...
Nov 8, 2022 | Access to Capital, Blog, Brunswick VA, Business Resources, Halifax VA, Lawrenceville VA, Mecklenburg VA, RISE Meetups, South Hill VA
Deborah Gosney, Executive Director of the Southside Planning District Commission, joined RISE to tell the RISE community about the Lake Country Development Corporation’s loan funds and what organizations need to apply. Watch the video or read below for more...