On August 17, 2022, RISE Collaborative hosted a Rise& Shine Virtual Meetup with guest speaker Chandra Hurst of Virginia Community Capital. Hurst shared information about the Economic Equity Fund. Watch the video replay to learn more.
Apply for Loan Funding to Help Your Business
The Economic Equity Fund is a $10 million loan fund that provides low-cost financing for small business owners who are women and/or Black, Indigenous, or People of Color (BIPOC) and were disproportionately affected by the economic impact of the pandemic. In addition to low-interest loans for eligible borrowers, resources have been allocated to provide free technical assistance and consulting for eligible small businesses and community-based partners.
Find Out if You are Eligible for Assistance for Your Business: https://www.vacommunitycapital.org/our-impact/economic-equity-fund/
Contact Chandra Hurst, VP, Economic Equity Small Business Loan Officer | Virginia Community Capital
Phone: 804.723.6647 | churst@vccva.org