We are excited to announce that Cohort 6 of the RISE Business Bootcamp will be the “CIC Southern Virginia Entrepreneur Workshop Powered by RISE.” The Spring 2025 virtual cohort will begin in February and finish in May 2025. 

CIC Southern Virginia Entrepreneur Workshop powered by RISE Collaborative

CIC Southern Virginia Entrepreneur Workshop

Powered by RISE Collaborative

Whether you are have an established brand or an emerging concept, our 16-week Entrepreneur Workshop will help you get your business to where you want it to be!

Take your business to the next level! This hands-on course enables entrepreneurs to determine whether their business is viable, develop an initial plan for launching or growing their business and learn the fundamentals of how to act on that plan.

What is the commitment?

The CIC Southern Virginia Entrepreneur Workshop powered by RISE will meet for 16 weeks, on Tuesdays, from 6 pm – 9 pm, in a virtual format. There is also an orientation session and a graduation celebration. See below for more information on the time commitment.

How much does it cost?

Tuition is $750 and includes course materials. There are need-based scholarships and payment plans are available. With need-based scholarships, the tuition may be reduced down to $125. 

Who can apply? 

The CIC Southern Virginia Entrepreneur Workshop powered by RISE is open to anyone interested in starting or expanding a business in the RISE Southern Virginia region (contingent on availability and admittance).

The RISE Southern Virginia region includes the Counties of Amelia, Brunswick, Buckingham, Charlotte, Cumberland, Halifax, Henry, Lunenburg, Mecklenburg, Nottoway, Patrick, Pittsylvania, Prince Edward, and the Cities of Danville and Martinsville, Virginia.

What are the dates for the Spring 2025 cohort? 

  • Applications Open: November 1, 2024
  • Applications Deadline: January 3, 2025 Extended to January 10, 2025
  • Interest Meetings will take place between applicants and CIC staff on a rolling basis, December 2, 2024 – January 14, 2025
  • Admission Notifications: January 21, 2025
  • Orientation: Thursday, February 6, 2025
  • Weekly Classes: begin Tuesday, February 11, 2025 and end Tuesday, May 27, 2025
  • Graduation Celebration: Date to be announced

What can I expect?

  • Weekly 3-hour evening class sessions, hosted virtually.
  • 16 weeks of high-energy, engaging discussions centered around your business.
  • Excellent networking opportunities with your entrepreneur peers and leaders of the business community.
  • A combination of lectures, discussions, and applied learning activities that can include an additional 10-12 hours per week consulting with professionals and potential customers.
  • By graduation, you will have developed the components of a comprehensive business plan and consulted with financial advisors on personal finance.

What are some of the topics that will be covered?

  • Market Validation; Identifying Your Customer
  • Personal Finance; Break-Even Analysis; Cash Flow Projections; Recordkeeping
  • Time Management; SMART Goals; Entrepreneurship Roadmap
  • Brand Development; Prospecting; Creating your Marketing Plan
  • Hiring Employees

Is this program virtual or in-person?

The CIC Southern Virginia Entrepreneur Workshop powered by RISE will be delivered in a virtual format using a two-way audio/video platform (e.g. Zoom or Google Meet).

You will need to have access to a laptop, tablet, or mobile phone and reliable internet to participate in this program. If access to internet service is barrier, our team will assist you with finding a community location that offers internet access, such as your local library or the SOVA Innovation Hub.  

We also plan to offer optional in-person meeting opportunities during and after the 16-week program if there is interest from participants. 

How can I prepare? 

  • Checklist: Review “What it takes to be a successful entrepreneur” checklist >
  • Intro Workshop: Consider attending the “Building a Foundation for Your New Business” workshop offered live on Zoom by Longwood SBDC (or watch the on-demand recording). Sign up > 
  • Personal Schedule: Ensure time for weekly virtual sessions and additional time for research and assignments. Alert your family and friends to your commitment to this program. 
  • Technology Requirements: To participate in the virtual sessions, you will need laptop or tablet that enables you to participate in two-way audio/video sessions. You will also need a free Google account with Google Workspace access.

What is CIC?

CIC is the Community Investment Collaborative. CIC is a non-profit, entrepreneur support organization (ESO) and a Community Development Financing Institution (CDFI). Headquartered in Charlottesville, CIC is actively expanding its service area into Southern Virginia in partnership with RISE Collaborative and local organizations.

CIC’s mission is to strengthen our community and contribute to economic development by fueling the success of under-resourced entrepreneurs through education, mentoring, financing, and networking. CIC was founded in 2011 and held its first workshop in May 2012. Learn more at https://cicville.org >

Interested in joining a future cohort?

The Spring 2025 cohort is in progress. If you are interested in joining a future cohort, please complete the Interest Form below, and CIC will contact you with more information.

Questions? We’re happy to help! 

Email Laura Coleman at laura@cicville.org to find out more!

Laura Coleman

Laura Coleman

CIC Entrepreneurial Impact Manager - Southern Virginia

Office located at the SOVA Innovation Hub Available to meet with entrepreneurs wherever you are in the RISE service area: Counties of Halifax, Mecklenburg, Brunswick, Charlotte, Lunenburg, Nottoway, Amelia, Cumberland, Prince Edward, Buckingham, or Pittsylvania Counties and the Cities of Danville or Martinsville.

Program Volunteers

Volunteers are essential to the success of this program. If you are interested in volunteering your time as a Discussion Leader or Workgroup Leader, please contact Laura Coleman at laura@cicville.org.

Entrepreneur Workshop Discussion Leader

Discussion Leaders facilitate one week’s workshop session as a part of the 16-week program. They are identified based on their business experience and topic expertise (marketing, sales, finance, human resources, etc.). They lead the discussion and integrate their own business experiences while incorporating CIC entrepreneurial theories and methodologies.

Time Commitment: 1 Tuesday night, from 6 – 7:30 PM, plus the necessary preparation time.

Entrepreneur Workshop Workgroup Leader

Workgroup Leaders facilitate the workgroups that are part of the workshop each week They engage the entrepreneurs in thinking through their businesses and challenging themselves and each other as they work through each component of their overall business plan. They build a close relationship with 7-9 entrepreneurs and help point them to resources throughout the community that can be helpful in their business.

Time Commitment: Tuesday nights, 6 – 9 PM for 16 weeks, plus 1-2 hours of homework review & feedback per week, potential meetings or conversations with the entrepreneurs. Additionally, the Workgroup Leader should plan to be available one hour per month during the workshop to attend a team meeting.

Program Sponsors

The CIC Southern Virginia Entrepreneur Workshop powered by RISE Collaborative is an entrepreneur training program delivered by CIC (Community Investment Collaborative) in collaboration with the SOVA Innovation Hub and the Longwood SBDC. The Longwood SBDC is funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration, George Mason University, and local host institutions.  The Virginia SBDC is nationally accredited by America’s SBDC. The CIC Southern Virginia Entrepreneur Workshop powered by RISE Collaborative is funded in part by GO Virginia, a state-funded initiative administered by the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) that strengthens and diversifies Virginia’s economy and fosters the creation of higher wage jobs in strategic industries.

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